In today's labor market, rich in job ads, but not for employees, job seekers have a choice of jobs. Studying the offer, without suspense, discard ads that do not match them and report to those they consider to be jobs that are created for them. With respect to their decision on the application, besides the amount of salary and working conditions, the category of 'job description' is also strongly influenced. Namely, a hand-written workbook display can often be just the webbing language that will encourage a candidate to sign up for each ad.
But here we come to the key question - how to properly describe the workplace?
1. The workplace must be clear and accurate
Although we will need it later, you should briefly ignore your creative side at the very beginning. When writing the name of the position you are looking for, you must be concise, even somewhat 'boring'. We know phrases such as "Financial Guru" or "Sales Wizard" sound good and definitely stand out in the crowd, but they do not represent Google and other internet search engines. Simply, if you work with a 'Account Manager', 'Sales Representative' or 'Warehouse Manager', your job will see a lot more people searching for those jobs.
2. Adjust the job description to the company's vision
To attract the attention of potential job candidates, link a job description with your mission and vision to your company. Please mention the exciting, challenging projects where the candidates will work and explain how they will contribute to the mutual growth of both business and employees. Explain how you care about the balance of the private and business part of your life and highlight all the benefits you provide to your employees - from the flexibility of working hours, distance work opportunities, organization of team building. Nothing is to be missed because each of these items can be a crucial factor to you provide the application.
3. Do not overdo the conditions that candidates have to fulfill
Okay, we understand that you have high standards and that you want to find the best possible job candidate that will fully meet your needs, however, do not overdo it. You've already already seen ads in which job-seekers are seeking to meet a large number of specific, almost impossible conditions that start off people, creating the impression that the job can only be done by a person who has completed at least three faculties, has a dozen years of work experience and who speaks fluently five foreign languages. There are so many in the labor market and there is not much. Of course, some candidates minimum must meet and you need to determine them, but be realistic about your requirements.
4. Make an ad to be mobile-friendly
Keep in mind, an increasing number of job seekers search on their mobile devices. For this reason, avoid extensive, long-term job descriptions. Instead, shorten the sentences, use the tags and do not go in width.
5. Perform a homework
Are you interested in how your competitors are advertising vacancies? In the internet search engine, type the name of the position where you are employed and read the job descriptions of others. There is no shame in learning from the existing good (but also bad) examples. See how your competitors promote and 'sell' your culture and organization.
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