Thursday, July 18, 2019

Can I Do Two Full-Time Jobs At Same Time?

It is legally allowed to work for up to 48 hours a week, only if one employer works 40 hours per week, and another 8 hours per week.

So, the question here is:
"Does my law allow me to work two jobs at the same time - 8 am in a single employer and 8 pm in the afternoon with another employer."

The answer to that question is:
Pursuant to Article 61 of the Labor Law, full-time workers may not be longer than forty hours per week. If by law, collective agreement, agreement concluded between the workers' council and the employer or the contract of employment there is no fixed working time, it is considered that full time is forty hours per week. However, a full-time worker may conclude a work contract with another employer for a maximum duration of up to eight hours per week, or up to one hundred eighty hours a year, only if the employer, or if the employer with whom the employee has previously concluded a contract work, give written consent to the worker for such work. Thus, it is legally permitted to work for up to 48 hours a week, only if one employer works 40 hours per week, and another 8 hours per week.


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